ftp port
ftp port

FTPisanunusualserviceinthatitutilizestwoports,a'data'portanda'command'port(alsoknownasthecontrolport).Traditionallytheseareport21 ...,TheFileTransferProtocol(FTP)isastandardcommunicationprotocolusedforthetransferofcomputerfilesfromaservertoaclien...

What is an FTP port?


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Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation

FTP is an unusual service in that it utilizes two ports, a 'data' port and a 'command' port (also known as the control port). Traditionally these are port 21 ...

File Transfer Protocol

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer ...

FTP Port

Standard FTP ports can be ports 20 and 21 since FTP was officially assigned both. Port 21 is referred to as a controlled port, while port 20 is the data port.

FTP Port: File Transfer and Port Numbers

2020年9月23日 — An FTP port is a communication endpoint. Ports allow the connection and transfer of data to happen between your computer and a server.

FTP 簡介

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 是一種client server 架構的檔案傳輸協定,使用者可以不用登入server 下,傳輸檔案。 · FTP 使用多個ports, FTP 開始連接時使用server port ...

Understanding the FTP PORT command

2022年8月16日 — FTP uses control and data channels, each using a separate TCP port. Port 21 is for the control channel, and port 20 is for the data channel.

What is an FTP port?

2023年7月6日 — FTP ports are used to identify the apps and services that you want to access on the server. The port will use numbers from 0 to 65535 for this.

What is FTP Port Number? [Default FTP Port]

2022年12月14日 — The data connection uses the FTP port 20. FTP default port number is 21 to specify the control connection. You can change the standard FTP port ...


2021年9月8日 — FTP在使用上會用到兩個port:. data port; command port (或叫做control port). 一般來說server端的port 21通常是command port,而port 20是data port,但 ...


FTPisanunusualserviceinthatitutilizestwoports,a'data'portanda'command'port(alsoknownasthecontrolport).Traditionallytheseareport21 ...,TheFileTransferProtocol(FTP)isastandardcommunicationprotocolusedforthetransferofcomputerfilesfromaservertoaclientonacomputer ...,StandardFTPportscanbeports20and21sinceFTPwasofficiallyassignedboth.Port21isreferredtoasacontrolledport,whileport20isthedataport.,2020...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox


Rainbow FTP-G 6.0 - 架設FTP網站就是那麼簡單!

Rainbow FTP-G 6.0 - 架設FTP網站就是那麼簡單!


Quick `n Easy FTP Server Lite 3.1 - FTP伺服器

Quick `n Easy FTP Server Lite 3.1 - FTP伺服器



